Washington DC Metro Area, East Coast, Southern US
Information Technology and Services
digiBlitz is an IOT Monetization & LifeCycle Management Platform. Internet Of Things ( IOT ) market is still developing and no way closer to maturity. While the use cases are still evolving, there is a lot of pressure on both customers and the solution providers to get the "Things Right". While the future is painted very bright with multi-trillion dollar market size, the near-term monetization of the initiatives is very blurred. The customers were told to do the IOT adoption but they have a lot of challenges in terms of “how to align their current business with the IOT initiatives and how to monetize the assets” digiBlitz platform provides a Six-Step IOT Success Strategy, > Plan > Connect > Transform > Realize > Monetize and > Manage Continuity for our customer's “Internet of Things” initiatives. It helps the customers through Business Architecture Planning, Assets LifeCycle Management, Process Engineering, IOT Connectivity & Data Exchange and Identifying the monetization of the newly built assets and make it visible through the entire organization & customer ecosystem. digiBlitz is a software platform for solving problems and providing solutions for clients in digital Transformation.