11-50 employees
Private Limited Company
OGGETTO SOCIALE: LA SOCIETA HA PER OGGETTO LE SEGUENTI ATTIVITA : -COMMERCIO AL DETTAGLIO E ALLINGROSSO (CON O SENZA RAPPRESENTANZA) IN ITALIA E ALLESTERO, COMPRESO LIMPORT-EXPORT, DI GENERI ALIMENTARI E PRODOTTI Zodiaco Srl was founded in 2006. The Company's line of business includes the retail sale of specialized foods such as eggs, poultry, health foods, spices, herbs, coffee, and tea. ZODIACO SRL is located in TITO, POTENZA, Italy and is part of the Industrial Chemical Manufacturing Industry. ZODIACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $167,000 in sales (USD). ZODIACO SRL is located in TITO, POTENZA, Italy and is part of the Industrial Chemical Manufacturing Industry. ZODIACO SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $167,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). ZODIACO SRL is located in BORMIO, SONDRIO, Italy and is part of the Hotels, Motels & Resorts Industry. ZODIACO SRL has 7 employees at this location and generates $964,658 in sales (USD). ZODIACO SRL is located in BORMIO, SONDRIO, Italy and is part of the Hotels, Motels & Resorts Industry. ZODIACO SRL has 7 employees at this location and generates $964,658 in sales (USD).