Educational Institution
Appleton, WI
Higher Education
The school is approved by the State of Wisconsin Educational Approval Board. It is an 80 hour Chairside Dental Assisting Course, offered in Appleton Wisconsin. This school reports 100% student satisfaction. Students love the participation in the course. It is shown that students always learn at a higher rate of speed with being able to have hands-on training. There is both clinical and academic training in this accelerated, Saturday course. Classes are offered three times per year and each Saturday is 8:00-5:00.The clinical portion includes but is not limited to: dental x-rays, impressions and pour up in plaster or stone, treatment room disinfection, sterilization of instruments, proper instrument passing, handling the needle and syringe, and more. The academic portion covers two dental textbooks. THE WEEKEND DENTAL ASSISTANT SCHOOL is Federally Trademarked. Dentists in Wisconsin and surrounding states are appreciative and have thanked the school for the qualified applicants it brings to their area. Dental Assisting is a rewarding career!