Buffalo, Minnesota
Religious Institutions
Core Purpose Statement We are an inclusive community building meaningful connections with God and all people through faith. Vision Statement Our vision is to be a community, faithful to our core beliefs, reaching out to others to express God’s love. Core Beliefs • Still Speaking God - We believe that God is still speaking to us in new ways, revealing God’s direction, hopes, and dreams for all people throughout the world. • Extravagant Love - We believe God created everyone the way they are for a reason and it is our purpose to love, accept, and learn from all of God's people. • Acts of Service - We believe that God has called us to serve others through small and large acts of kindness. • Learning Through Community - We believe we grow richer by being in community and learning about the personal journeys of others, not to change or dispute their experiences, but to learn from them in ways that connect us together and challenge us to grow. We believe that each of us is on a journey with God that is individual and shared, uniting us in faith.