Private Limited Company
Algete, Madrid, Spain
Electrical appliances
SENSING SL is located in SAN AGUSTIN DEL GUADALIX, Spain and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. There are 3 companies in the SENSING SL corporate family. SENSING SL is located in SAN AGUSTIN DEL GUADALIX, Spain and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. There are 3 companies in the SENSING SL corporate family. SENSING SL is located in ALGETE, Spain and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. SENSING SL has 5 employees at this location and generates $1.47 million in sales (USD). There are 3 companies in the SENSING SL corporate family. SENSING SL is located in ALGETE, Spain and is part of the Electronic Component Wholesalers Industry. SENSING SL has 5 employees at this location and generates $1.47 million in sales (USD). (Employees figure is estimated). There are 3 companies in the SENSING SL corporate family. Sensing is an instrumentation company that supplies all kinds of instrumentation to measures physical parameters, mainly mechanical.