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Heather Passant Enterprises, Life Harmony
Heather is a Master Integrative Coach & Inspiration Formula Consultant, dedicated to teaching individuals and professionals, who are inspired, motivated and committed to their own self-growth, to overcome self-doubt and live their life purpose, making a significant difference and contribution to the world. In this most profound and life-altering work, Heather allows her clients the safety of being vulnerable, learning new life skills that cultivate personal growth, heal the inner wounds of divorce and loss and build strong relationships in business and life. She is also licensed by The Ford Institute as an Integrative Leader to facilitate worldwide workshops, teleclasses and lectures on Emotional Education and shadow work. Becoming a Facilitator and Consultant for The Inspiration Formula, developed by leading entrepreneur Emily Gowor, founder of Gowor International Publishing, has been an exquisite experience and an absolute gift to be able to take people through this evolutionary process. It is perfect for individuals who wish to understand how their own personal journey and blueprint for their lives weaves into revealing their deeper life purpose and unique greatness. Specialties: Blueprint Coach Program - clean up your past, forgive your flaws and shortcomings, reveal your life purpose and unique contribution to the world. Courage Coach Program - discover the confidence you need to tap into your potential and accomplish anything in your life. Spiritual Divorce/Healing Your Heart Coach Program - use your pain as a catalyst for an extraordinary life. Future-Focused Coach Program- break through the beliefs and behaviours that stop your results. Inspiration Formula Consultation - unique 5 step formula that collects the pieces of a person's life, history, mind and heart and unites them together into a powerful 'Statement of Inspiration' which reveals their destiny, mission, vision and purpose in the world.
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