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Conoco Phillips Indonesia
2009 Working at Industrial Engineering University of Indonesia as a lecturer’s assistant in field Operation Research • Giving guidance to the class participants in doing Operation Research assignments • Creating a problem test to the class participants • Checking the class participants’ examination and reporting to the Operation Research’s lecturer 2010 Working at Industrial Engineering University of Indonesia as a laboratory’s assistant in field SEMS (Systems Engineering, Modeling, and Simulation) • Teaching to the class participants about Simulation Programming • Giving guidance the final project of class participants as a mentor • Creating a problem test for class participants and checking it • Reporting to the lecturer about the progress of students 2010 Working at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk as an internship in food division, Customer Marketing Management (sales) • Monitoring the sales of 4 products (Taro, Buavita, Sariwangi, Sarimurni) every week • Creating the score card of 4 products (Taro, Buavita, Sariwangi, Sarimurni) every week • Helping the team in Customer Marketing Management to make a delivery order • Managing and Allocating the product’s gift for each distributor • Monitoring the distribution of product’s gift to the distributor 2011 - present PT. British Petroleum in PSCM division, Performance and Planning Group • Creating SKT (Surat Keterangan Terpadu) of vendor for joining the BP’s Tender • Creating contract brief of contract which choosen by direct appoinment • Inputing the the data on reporting pipeline for BP Global • Monitoring the Supplier Performance Management (Goods) by weekly • Document controlling of BP’s contract Specialties:Industrial Engineering
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