11-50 employees
Private Limited Company
Grobbendonk, Flemish Region
Medical Practice
Medineth in Grobbendonk (gelegen tussen Lier en Herentals) is een gezondheidscentrum met verschillende praktijken, waaronder tandartsen, orthodontisten, kinesisten, psychologen, een stomatoloog, audioloog, osteopaat, diëtiste, seksuologe, coach, een podoloog en een vaatspecialist. In het Medineth-gebouw is ook de Pure Pilates Studio gevestigd. Medineth – Vaartkom 1 – 2280 Grobbendonk Medineth is located in Grobbendonk, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. Medineth has 8 employees at this location and generates $465,688 in sales (USD). There are 2 companies in the Medineth corporate family. Medineth is located in Grobbendonk, ANTWERP, Belgium and is part of the Ambulatory Health Care Services Industry. Medineth has 8 employees at this location and generates $465,688 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the Medineth corporate family.