501 to 1000 employees
Limited Liability Company
Kiev (Ukraine)
KOSMO, PP is located in Kryvy Rig, Ukraine and is part of the Restaurants Industry. KOSMO, PP has 7 employees at this location and generates $6,530 in sales (USD). KOSMO, PP is located in Kryvy Rig, Ukraine and is part of the Restaurants Industry. KOSMO, PP has 7 employees at this location and generates $6,530 in sales (USD). KOSMO, TOV is located in Misto Dnipro, Ukraine and is part of the Clothing Stores Industry. KOSMO, TOV generates $7,524 million in sales (USD). KOSMO, TOV is located in Misto Dnipro, Ukraine and is part of the Clothing Stores Industry. KOSMO, TOV generates $7,524 million in sales (USD).