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Myself Only
Sole Proprietorship
Lakeside Park, Kentucky
Information Technology Services

Get the best for less. Owner operator Joseph Juska is a US ARMY veteran with over 30 years of software development experience (over 60,000 hours) with 3 college degrees the highest being a Masters in computer Information Systems. You can't find anyone more qualified. I have the maximum experience theoretically possible in 3 categories. 1. I have been developing software for PCs since the first month the PC was released to the world. 2. Since the very first net-workable PC based database was introduced I was developing database applications. 3. Since the introduction of Microsoft Office and SQL Server with version 1.0 I have been a developing applications using each of the platforms. I have developed with each and every version of the Office suite, VBA and SQL Server up to and including the most current version. In addition to my maximum possible experience and above average education I am also a Microsoft Certified MCP. In over 30 years and hundreds of projects I have never failed to deliver on time and within budget. I have a unique philosophy among the IT community in that I do not embrace technology for technology's sake I view technology as a tool that's only purpose is to help you RUN YOUR BUSINESS YOUR WAY. IT is a tool. I also possess a natural talent for systems analysis and business analysis. I view each customer as if it was my fathers company that I will inherit someday so I want your business to succeed and will do everything within my abilities to help your business succeed.


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