1,277 employees
Non-Applicable per year
Research institute
The Italian National Institute of Statistics, a public research organisation, is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. The mission of the Italian National Institute of Statistics is to serve the community by producing and communicating high-quality statistical information, analyses and forecasts in complete independence and in accordance with the strictest ethical and professional principles and most up-to-date scientific standards, in order to develop detailed knowledge of Italy’s environmental, economic and social dimensions at various levels of geographical detail and to assist all members of society (citizens, administrators etc.) in decision-making processes. Istat aims to be an innovative administration which is committed to serving the community by placing value on the professionalism and integrity of its staff, creating appropriate working conditions and minimising its impact on the environment. Istat respects the privacy of respondents, protects the confidentiality of the data that it gathers and carries out its activities in a transparent, independent manner. Istat is oriented towards seeking to use available resources in the most effective, efficient way possible, promotes the development of Sistan and works with other organisations within the National Statistical System and public administration, with the research community and with civil society, with the additional purpose of improving the level of awareness and understanding with regard to statistics. stat is a member of the European Statistical System and works with other organisations within the international statistical system For over 25 years, the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading (ISTAT) has been dedicated to fostering and promoting interest and educational opportunities in commercial aviationThe National Institute of Statistics (Istat) has been working since 1926 as the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy. It collects and produces information on Italian economy and society and made it available for study and decision-making purpose. Istat is a public research body acting in full autonomy, governed by a President and a board of directors that plan, direct and evaluate its activities. The Institute has responded to changing needs for information, interpreting its role and mission as follows: to produce and disseminate reliable, impartial, transparent, accessible and pertinent information, able to describe the social, economic and demographic conditions of the country, in full compliance with the regulations pertaining to the privacy of respondents. The centrality of the end users - citizens, businesses, institutions, management and labour - is an imperative that marks the definition of the information demand and finds its answer in Istat's vision: to provide the country with instruments pertaining to both local and national realities and to actively participate in e-government actions, offering proactive information, able to solicit and shape the organization of services throughout the nation. Sistema statistico nazionale Istituto nazionale di statistica - Dec 31, 2019 - nazionale di statistica, anche a scopi commerciali, . 1.5 Comuni e densità per classe di superficie territoriale e regione - Anno 2018 . . 6.1 Movimento dei procedimenti civili per grado di giudizio e ufficio giudiziario . mila abitanti, la densità passa dal valore minimo del Veneto (843) a quello più elevato,.