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A total of 0 Companies


1-10 employees
Private Limited Company
Paderno Dugnano, Lombardia
Electrical Products Manufacturing

GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL Progettazione Impianti - Impianti Elettrici Industriali - Impianti Tecnologici - Impianti speciali - Illuminazione - Automazione - Manutenzione preventiva - Manutenzione programmata - Verifiche Impianti - Cabine di trasformazione - Quadri elettrici e power center - Impianti Dati e Fonia - Impianti telefonici - Impianti Audio Bose - Impianti Video - Data Center - Antintrusione - Video sorveglianza - Rivelazione Incendi - Protezione incendi - Impianti Fotovoltaici - Termografia a raggi infrarossi GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in MAIOLATI SPONTINI, ANCONA, Italy and is part of the Control, Electromedical, Measuring & Navigational Instruments Manufacturing Industry. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL has 81 employees at this location and generates $17.27 million in sales (USD). There are 23 companies in the GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL corporate family. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in MAIOLATI SPONTINI, ANCONA, Italy and is part of the Control, Electromedical, Measuring & Navigational Instruments Manufacturing Industry. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL has 81 employees at this location and generates $17.27 million in sales (USD). There are 23 companies in the GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL corporate family. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in GENOVA, GENOVA, Italy and is part of the Electrical Products Manufacturing Industry. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $157,000 in sales (USD). GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in GENOVA, GENOVA, Italy and is part of the Electrical Products Manufacturing Industry. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL has 1 employees at this location and generates $157,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in MAIOLATI SPONTINI, ANCONA, Italy and is part of the Control, Electromedical, Measuring & Navigational Instruments Manufacturing Industry. There are 23 companies in the GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL corporate family. GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL is located in MAIOLATI SPONTINI, ANCONA, Italy and is part of the Control, Electromedical, Measuring & Navigational Instruments Manufacturing Industry. There are 23 companies in the GENERAL IMPIANTI SRL corporate family.


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