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A total of 0 Companies


1001-5000 employees
Limited Liability Company
Ullared, Halland
Department Stores

Gekås är Skandinaviens största varuhus. Med över 4 miljoner besökare årligen är vi också Sveriges mest besökta destination. Gekås Ullared erbjuder shopping utöver det vanliga men också evenemang, aktiviteter, mat och boende. Gekås-koncernen omfattar moderbolaget Gekås Ullared AB och dotterbolagen Varuhuset Gekås Ullared AB, Gekås Restaurang AB och Gekåsbyn Ullared AB. Vi har en stark företagskultur baserad på kärnvärden som beskriver hur vi arbetar. Det mest centrala värdet är "sunt förnuft"​. Våra medarbetare spelar en nyckelroll, alla Gekås anställda får ta ansvar och allas idéer är viktiga. Våra värderingar inkluderar också lagarbete och tillsammans utmanar vi oss själva att göra saker bättre och skapa en shoppingupplevelse utöver det vanliga. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Department Stores Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 1,000 employees at this location and generates $472.35 million in sales (USD). There are 18 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Department Stores Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 1,000 employees at this location and generates $472.35 million in sales (USD). There are 18 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Recreational Vehicle Parks Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 50 employees at this location. There are 17 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Recreational Vehicle Parks Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 50 employees at this location. There are 17 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Warehousing & Storage Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 50 employees at this location. There are 16 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family. Gekås Ullared AB is located in Ullared, Halland, Sweden and is part of the Warehousing & Storage Industry. Gekås Ullared AB has 50 employees at this location. There are 16 companies in the Gekås Ullared AB corporate family.


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