11-50 employees
Victoria, British Columbia
Firstchoice Books ,a subsidiary of Victoria Bindery has been growing steadily in the self publishing industry. Professional Publishing Services FIRSTCHOICE Books has been producing high quality books for over 24 years. Just imagine how easily, quickly and inexpensively we can produce your self-published fiction, history or poetry books. Get Published quickly and affordably ! First Choice Books, a Canadian Company makes self-publishing fast, easy and affordable for today's author. By choosing to self-publish your book with First Choice Books, you join a rapidly growing and innovative group of author-entrepreneurs who elect to take control of their own book publishing project. You retain all rights to yourself publish book and determine your own book content, style, price and marketing strategies. More value, less hype. When you do the math and compare, First Choice Books clearly stands apart from other self publishing companies. Whether your book is a novel, poetry, memoir, for children or technical in any size or format,(hard or soft cover),we deliver to your satisfaction