Private Limited Company
Brasov, Brasov
Magazinul micului fermier
Societatea noastra este o firma tanara cu capital privat integral românesc ce isi desfasoara activitatea în domeniul cresterii animalelor oferind in acest sens produse de incalzire, adapare, hrana, garduri electrice precum si o gama larga de produse necesare cresterii si ingrijirii animalelor. FERMAGRO SRL is located in Gogosari, Romania and is part of the Grain Farming Industry. FERMAGRO SRL has 3 employees at this location and generates $650,407 in sales (USD). FERMAGRO SRL is located in Gogosari, Romania and is part of the Grain Farming Industry. FERMAGRO SRL has 3 employees at this location and generates $650,407 in sales (USD). FERMAGRO SRL is located in Turnu Magurele, Romania and is part of the Grain Farming Industry. FERMAGRO SRL has 7 employees at this location and generates $387,790 in sales (USD). FERMAGRO SRL is located in Turnu Magurele, Romania and is part of the Grain Farming Industry. FERMAGRO SRL has 7 employees at this location and generates $387,790 in sales (USD).