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Limited Liability Company
$366.521651 million
Würzburg, Bavaria
Love your Brand

FLYERALARM was founded in 2002 and is one of the leading online printing companies in the B2B market in Europe and is one of the largest e-commerce companies in Germany. FLYERALARM now employs almost 2,300 staff and generated a turnover of more than 350 million euros in 2018. In spite of this rapid growth, the family company has maintained its ‘can-do’ mentality and thus also retained the special spirit of a start-up. This attitude shaped the corporate culture from day one, and it was the only way in which it has been possible to successfully tap into a number of new business fields over the years. Today, FLYERALARM not only supplies print products, but also marketing services and advertising media of all kinds for a wide-reaching, faultless brand image – not only in Germany, but also in 16 other European countries. The flyeralarm.com online shop features a selection of more than three million print products: Along with classic print products and advertising products for the corporate client market, you can also find promotional products as well as promotional gifts and clothing. Printing is in the FLYERALARM DNA: On a daily basis, around 15,000 products are processed and up to 24,000 dispatches are coordinated so that they find their way to the customer in the shortest time possible. Many of these arrive one day after the order was placed (Overnight) or even on the same day (Same Day). Imprint https://www.flyeralarm.com/de/content/index/open/id/14/impressum.html FLYERALARM is one of the largest e-commerce companies in Germany. flyeralarm GmbH provides online printing services. The Company prints flyers, stickers, magazines, folders, posters, business cards, stationery, calendars, stamps, books, brochures, and gastro articles. flyeralarm operates in Germany. FLYERALARM ist Europas führende Online-Druckerei im B2B-Bereich und eines der größten E-Commerce-Unternehmen in Deutschland und Europa. Das stark expandierende Unternehmen aus Würzburg ist Spezialist für Druckprodukte und Werbetechnik. Zum Portfolio gehören Drucksachen aller Art – vom Flyer bis zum fest gebundenen Buch.FLYERALARM hat mit dem Sammeldruckverfahren die Druckbranche revolutioniert und bearbeitet täglich bis zu 15.000 Aufträge für mehr als 1.000.000 Kunden. 2014 erhielt das Unternehmen den Fairness-Preis für Transparenz, Zuverlässigkeit und Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.Gestartet als echtes Ein-Mann-Unternehmen, beschäftigt die FLYERALARM-Gruppe heute rund 2.000 Mitarbeiter. Die Produkte werden in hochmodernen Druckereien ausschließlich in Deutschland gefertigt, zusätzlich ist FLYERALARM mit Stores in deutschen Großstädten sowie europaweit vertreten.Auf internationaler Ebene ist das Unternehmen 2014 in 12 Ländern Europas präsent. 2015 kommen zahlreiche weitere Länder hinzu. flyeralarm GmbH is located in Würzburg, Bayern, Germany and is part of the Commercial Printing Industry. flyeralarm GmbH has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $366.52 million in sales (USD). There are 17 companies in the flyeralarm GmbH corporate family. flyeralarm GmbH is located in Würzburg, Bayern, Germany and is part of the Commercial Printing Industry. flyeralarm GmbH has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $366.52 million in sales (USD). There are 17 companies in the flyeralarm GmbH corporate family.


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