Private Limited Company
Latina, Latina
Industrial Products
La FAIT srl, con sede a Siracusa si occupa della commercializzazione di materiale e attrezzature per le aziende che operano nell'edilizia delle opere pubbliche. In Italia abbiamo 3 filiali per poter servire i cantieri in maniera efficiente e rapida. Questi sono i nostri contatti: Siracusa: 0931/492244 [email protected] Latina: 0773/481666 [email protected] Modena: 059281267 [email protected] antenne antenna decoder zapper impianto centralizzato condominio smart tv fibra ottica ricevitore digitale mpeg hd sd dvb-t dvb-s qam qpsk cofdm ofdm telecomando universaleCommercio all'ingrosso di articoli tecnici industriali antinfortunistica Fait Srl specializes in the manufacture of various metal and steel products. The Company offers machinery, equipment, and technical articles for the agriculture, industry, construction, plumbing, commerce, and craft industries. LA FAIT SRL is located in BRUNICO, BOLZANO, Italy and is part of the Clothing Stores Industry. LA FAIT SRL has 10 employees at this location and generates $1.81 million in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the LA FAIT SRL corporate family. LA FAIT SRL is located in BRUNICO, BOLZANO, Italy and is part of the Clothing Stores Industry. LA FAIT SRL has 10 employees at this location and generates $1.81 million in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the LA FAIT SRL corporate family.