Facilities Services
Carillion is a dedicated, integrated services company that delivers safe, sustainable and effective solutions for clients in every sector, including Healthcare, Defence, Government, Transport and Commercial Property. We leverage global experience and expertise, combined with local perspectives, relationships and delivery across our extensive portfolio of facilities management, construction, roads maintenance, and Public Private Partnership projects. Our vision is to be the trusted partner for providing services, delivering infrastructure and creating places that bring lasting benefits to our clients and the communities in which we live and work. Our team consists of over 6,000 employees across Canada and over 40,000 around the world, including the United Kingdom, Caribbean and the Middle East. Carillion is a dedicated, integrated services company that delivers safe, sustainable and effective solutions for clients in every sector, including Healthcare, Defence, Government, Transport and Commercial Property. We leverage global experience and expertise, combined with local perspectives, relationships and delivery across our extensive portfolio of facilities management, construction, roads maintenance, and Public Private Partnership projects. Our vision is to be the trusted partner for providing services, delivering infrastructure and creating places that bring lasting benefits to our clients and the communities in which we live and work. Our team consists of over 6,000 employees across Canada and over 40,000 around the world, including the United Kingdom, Caribbean and the Middle East. Carillion Canada Inc is located in Concord, ON, Canada and is part of the Highway, Street, & Bridge Construction Contractors Industry. Carillion Canada Inc has 2,120 total employees across all of its locations and generates $695.60 million in sales (USD). There are 37 companies in the Carillion Canada Inc corporate family. Carillion Canada Inc is located in Concord, ON, Canada and is part of the Highway, Street, & Bridge Construction Contractors Industry. Carillion Canada Inc has 2,120 total employees across all of its locations and generates $695.60 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 37 companies in the Carillion Canada Inc corporate family.