Local Government/municipality
Laval, Paysdelaloire
Hospital & Health Care
Le CH de Laval est l’établissement support du GHT de la Mayenne et du Haut-Anjou, en région Pays de la Loire. Il est l’établissement de recours pour l’ensemble du territoire et dessert un bassin de population de 340 000 habitants. Il emploie 2 400 professionnels : médecins, soignants, personnels techniques, logistiques et administratifs, au service de la santé des mayennais. CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL is located in LAVAL, PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE, France and is part of the Hospitals Industry. CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL has 2,000 employees at this location and generates $148.59 million in sales (USD). There are 22 companies in the CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL corporate family. CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL is located in LAVAL, PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE, France and is part of the Hospitals Industry. CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL has 2,000 employees at this location and generates $148.59 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 22 companies in the CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE LAVAL corporate family.